0. Set Up Environment
1. Registration in a partner portal
2. Create a sandbox
1. BigCommerce Introduction
1. What is BigCommerce?
2. How to use BigCommerce?
2. Configure your storefront in control panel
1. Configure Products Catalog
2. Basic set up
3. Orders
4. Customers
5. Logs
3. Making changes and deploy theme
1. Access Configuration
2. Let's try local development straight away
3. Stencil Theme Update
4. WebDAV
4. Checkout
1. Checkout Configuration
2. Custom checkout
5. Integrations
1. Webhooks
2. Extensions
6. Emails
1. Email Templates
7. Summary
During this session, you will be building an application based on BigCommerce
> 0. Set Up Environment
This section explains how to register and create you training sandbox.
0. Set Up Environment
This section explains how to register and create you training sandbox.